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The Top 5 Most Common Side Effects of Copper IUDs and How to Manage Them

November 15, 2023

Common Side Effects of Copper IUDs and How to Manage

Intrauterine devices (IUDs) are a form of long-term birth control. If you are considering different types of contraception, chances are you have run across them and have questions. At Flexi-T,  we often get asked about side effects.

Copper IUDs are well-tolerated, but there can be some side effects. Before using it, you must understand how any type of birth control will affect your body. That includes an IUD. So, what are copper IUD side effects? 

What Is a Copper IUD?

IUDs are small T-shaped devices that a healthcare professional inserts into your uterus. There are two types of IUDs: Hormonal and non-hormonal or copper. The hormonal IUDs use a hormone to stop ovulation. In other words, you won’t produce an egg as long as the device is in place. Without ovulation, there can be no pregnancy.

Copper IUDs don’t use hormones. Instead, there is a coil of copper wrapped around the device. This copper stops sperm from getting to the egg by creating a toxic environment inside the uterus. So, even though you ovulate normally, sperm cannot get to the egg to fertilize it. It takes a fertilized egg for there to be a pregnancy. 

Both forms of IUDs are  99 percent effective at preventing pregnancy. They just go about it in different ways and have different side effects.

What Are the Side Effects of a Copper IUD?

Of course, every woman will experience a copper IUD differently. There are some common side effects. Probably the most typical is heavier periods. One study found 15 percent of women experience increased  bleeding and menstrual cramps after getting a copper IUD. A small percentage of them found the side effects bad enough to have the device removed. 

Other possible IUD side effects include:

  • Spotting between periods
  • Irregular bleeding
  • Irregular periods

Often these side effects disappear over time. An IUD is a long-term form of birth control, so it will be in for years unless you ask to remove it. Some initial side effects may just be the body getting accustomed to the device. A second study found that 48 percent of women experienced side effects in the  first nine weeks after insertion, but they faded away.

You can take an over-the-counter pain medication in most cases if necessary. Also, a heating pad on the belly might help manage cramps. 

Side Effects of Copper IUDs vs. Hormonal IUDs

Side effects like increased cramping and bleeding can occur with either a hormonal or copper IUD. With hormonal IUDs, though, there are also the side effects of the medication to consider. The hormone can lead to:

  • Bloating
  • Headaches
  • Acne
  • Mood swings
  • Tender breasts

Copper IUDs don’t use hormones, so you shouldn’t experience these side effects.

What Are the Risks Of a Copper IUD?

Copper IUDs are not the right choice for every woman. They may not be recommended if you have uterine abnormalities such as fibroids. They might also not be a practical option if you have a history of pelvic infections or pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).

The risks are minimal if the doctor says you are a candidate for a copper IUD. They might include:

  • Perforation – The device goes through the uterine wall.
  • Expulsion – The device comes out.
  • Infection – While rare, the device could lead to infection. 

Contact your healthcare provider if you experience significant pain, fever, prolonged heavy bleeding, nausea, vomiting, or vaginal discharge.

Copper IUD Pros and Cons

There will be pros and cons to any form of birth control, including a copper IUD.

  • 99 percent effective at preventing pregnancy
  • Long-term – The Flexi-T copper IUD is good for five years.
  • Effective immediately - Hormonal birth control does not protect you until your next cycle.
  • Emergency contraception – Can prevent pregnancy even if you had unprotected sex up to seven days before insertion
  • Easy to manage – Once the device is in, you only need to check occasionally to ensure it remains in place
  • Does not use hormones
  • Side effects like cramping and heavier periods. These can disappear over time.
  • Some risks, although rare.
  • It may not be an option for every woman.It may not be an option for every woman.

The cons are true with most forms of birth control. They all have some side effects and risks.

If you want to find out if a copper IUD like Flexi-T is right for you, contact your healthcare provider and make an appointment. Find out more about the Flexi-T copper IUD by checking out  our website today.

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