If you have recently had a copper intrauterine device or IUD inserted as birth control, one obvious question you might have is regarding aftercare. An IUD is an intelligent choice for many women because it is a long-term form of contraception.
Unlike other types of birth control, you barely have to think about a copper non hormonal IUD. There is no pill to take, shot to get, or hormones to worry about. A healthcare professional puts in the device, and you check it occasionally to ensure it is still in place.
IUDs also offer some of the best protection against pregnancy. Someone taking hormonal birth control has
ten times the risk of getting pregnant than a person with an IUD.
IUDs do offer exceptional, long-term protection. You need to keep some things in mind, though, especially if the copper IUD is new. This article will discuss some risks to watch for and answer the question, "How soon do I follow up with my doctor?"
The doctor's office or clinic will give you a list of post-insertion instructions. You should follow them carefully to avoid complications. The list should include information about when you can start having sex and when to schedule a follow-up appointment.
Copper IUDs offer protection right away against pregnancy. However, the post-insertion instructions will probably include a warning not to put anything into the vaginal canal for at least 24 to 48 hours after IUD insertion. This may lead to displacement.
Follow-up appointments will vary based on the device and the preference of your healthcare advisor. In many cases, the follow-up is four to six weeks after IUD placement.
Some discomfort is normal after copper IUD placement. Your body needs time to adjust to having this device in place. Some common issues after insertion include:
If the pain or bleeding is severe, you should contact your healthcare provider.
The most prevalent risk after getting the intrauterine device is it coming out.
Displacement of the IUD is most likely to occur within the first three months. IUDs have strings attached to them that make it possible for you to know the device is in place. Simply squat down and insert your fingers into your vagina. You should be able to feel the strings.
If you cannot locate the strings, contact your healthcare provider. If you are unsure how to check IUD strings, your doctor can walk you through it.
You will also want to see your doctor if you can feel the end of the device with your fingers. This is another one of the signs your IUD is out of place.
In both instances, you'll need to use an alternative form of birth control, like a condom, to prevent pregnancy. Continue using the condom until you see your doctor.
Although complications with a copper IUD are rare, they can happen. One possible risk is infection. If the cramping and abdominal pain gets worse over time or is severe, see your healthcare provider immediately. Other potential signs of infection include:
An infection is potentially life-threatening, so get medical help as soon as possible if you experience any symptoms.
If everything is fine, the doctor will do a follow-up with you in a few weeks. In the meantime, you should contact the office or seek emergency medical care if you experience:
You'll also want to contact your healthcare provider if you think you might be pregnant. Only 1% of those with an IUD get pregnant, but it is still a possibility. Symptoms of pregnancy would include:
The risk of ectopic pregnancy may be higher if you have an IUD, so seeing your doctor is critical. An ectopic pregnancy can be life-threatening.
Find out more about copper IUDs by visiting our Flexi-T website today. Flexi-T is the copper IUD Canada residents depend on most.