A Copper IUD Is A Contraceptive That Is Safe, Effective and Simple

Flexi-T is a small, 100% hormone-free IUD which is more than 99% effective at preventing pregnancies for up to 5 years.

Over 99% Effective

100% Hormone Free

Only Two Appointments

Flexi T model image

Flexi-T IUD: A Non-Hormonal Contraceptive

A copper IUD can be provided to a patient as an alternative to a daily routine of oral contraceptives. It is recommended that the provider collaborate with their patient to select a contraceptive method that is acceptable, safe and effective for them. Find out if your patient is a candidate for a hormone free copper IUD. 

What Is the Flexi-T IUD?

Flexi-T is a small, 100% hormone-free IUD (intrauterine device). It is T-shaped and is inserted during a doctor’s visit. It works with 1 simple active ingredient: copper, instead of hormones. It is more than 99% effective at preventing pregnancy.

Flexi-T is small and flexible, made from soft and flexible plastic wrapped with a thin layer of copper. It's so small that once it is inserted most women don’t notice it. But, that does not mean it is not working! The copper that lines the IUD disrupts the motility of the sperm, not allowing it to fertilize the egg. 

Once it is inserted the IUD prevents any pregnancy for up to 5 years.

IUD on hand

Copper IUD Is A Birth Control That Is:

 Over 99% Effective

IUDs are over 99% effective — more effective than any oral contraceptive. With the contraceptive pill, even one day off schedule could impact its effectiveness.

100% Hormone Free

Flexi-T contains absolutely no hormones! That means it doesn’t disturb the patient's natural female cycle and it avoids the hormone-related side effects of most other birth control methods.

Low Maintenance

Flexi-T is a convenient long-term reversible solution. The patient will only need to come to two appointments. Once the Health Care Provider inserts the IUD properly, the patient is protected for up to 5 years! And if the patient wants to get pregnant, the provider needs to remove it.

Environmentally Friendly

There are no blister associated with copper IUDs.  Making it a more environmentally friendly contraceptive option.

Flexi t product
girl thinking

Is A Copper IUD The Right Solution For  My Patient?

Some reasons why women may choose a copper IUD:

  • A nurse practitioner or doctor can insert the IUD and the patient is protected for up to 5 years.
  • It doesn’t impact the patients natural menstrual cycle every month.
  • If the patients intends to get pregnant, they can schedule an appointment for IUD removal and immediately start trying after.
  • No hormones and no monthly blister packs like with the pill.
  • It can be used as emergency contraception

But of course Flexi-T is not right for every patient. Click below for information to help you make the right decision.

Prescribing the Flexi-T Is Amazingly Simple. Here Is How It Works:

Talk to Your Patient

Provide the necessary information about the Flexi-T IUD to your patient if they are interested.

Provide Prescription

 Provide a prescription to your patient to fulfil at a local pharmacy.

Schedule Visits

Schedule two appointments. One for insertion and another to ensure it is inserted properly.

That’s It. Patient is Protected!

The patient is now protected from unwanted pregnancies for up to 5 years!


Recommended For Teenagers

For over a decade several organizations —including the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the American Academy of Pediatrics, Canadian Paediatric Society and the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine, have officially endorsed LARCs as first-line contraceptives for teens.

flexi-t recommended for teenagers who are celebrating

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What Is an IUD?

    An IUD is a small, flexible T-shaped device that is inserted in the uterus by a designated Health Care Professional, like a doctor or nurse practitioner. 

  • How Does a Copper IUD Work?

    The traces of copper released locally by the IUD cause the sperm cells to lose their mobility, thereby preventing fertilization. In addition, should an egg become fertilized, Flexi-T prevents it from embedding in the lining of the womb. This means the IUD is also perfectly suited for use as ‘Morning After’ contraception (option up to a maximum of 5 days after the “accident”). This double action starts as soon as the Flexi-T has been inserted.

  • Can A Patient Get Pregnant With a Flexi-T IUD ?

    The Flexi-T IUD is over 99% effective in preventing pregnancy once inserted correctly by the Health Care Professional. With that said, it is very unlikely that a pregnancy will occur.

  • How Long Does the Flexi-T IUD Last?

    The Flexi-T IUD can last up to 5 years after it is inserted. 

  • How Much Does an IUD Cost?

    Check your local pharmacy for pricing 

  • Does an IUD Hurt?

    There are varying levels of discomfort during the insertion process.

  • Does an IUD Stop a Patient's Period?

    No. On the contrary, in the first couple of months after insertion there may be an increase in menstrual flow. 

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